HIV Symptoms Timeline

HIV Symptoms Timeline
HIV Symptoms Timeline

HIV Symptoms Timeline

 What is HIV?
HIV is a serious infection that compromises the immune system. There is currently no treatment for it. In most cases, once HIV infection has been established, the virus remains in the body throughout life. Because of this, despite the possible severity of the infection, the symptoms of HIV do not appear suddenly and do not reach their maximum at night. Unlike other types of virus, HIV causes a progressive disease in which symptoms and severity are different from the person.

Early Symptoms

Primary symptoms in primary HIV

The first ocular phase of this viral syndrome is the primary HIV infection. This stage is also called acute retroviral syndrome (ARS) or acute HIV infection. At this stage, HIV often causes flu-like symptoms in infected individuals. At this stage, it is possible for someone to eliminate their symptoms due to severe flu rather than HIV. Fever is the most common symptom. Other symptoms include:

Sore throat
Excessive fatigue
Muscle pain
Swollen glands
Maculopapular trunk slag

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), symptoms of primary HIV infection may show up to two to four weeks of initial risk. Symptoms may continue for several weeks. However, some people may show signs only for a few days. People with early HIV sometimes do not show any symptoms, they remain contagious. It is responsible for rapid and involuntary viral replication in the first few weeks of infection.

No symptoms

Lack of symptoms in the early stages

Once the ARS is normal when HIV is infected, it is not a case at all. Before some people become infected with HIV, they know they have this. According to HIV-IV, sometimes the symptoms of HIV can not appear for a decade or more. This does not mean that there is a possibility of being fatal or less likely to be fatal in HIV-free cases. Apart from this, if a person does not experience symptoms, then they can transmit HIV to others as well.

Signs that occur in early HIV appear to be higher if the rate of cell destruction is high. The absence of symptoms may mean that many CD4 cells have not been killed in the form of other infected persons. Although there are no symptoms of a person, they are still a virus. This is why regular HIV testing is important to prevent transmission. It is also important to understand the difference between CD4 count and viral load.

Lettuce causes a break in symptoms
After initial risk and potential primary infection, HIV may be a one-stage transition, which is called a clinically implied infection. Due to a significant decrease in symptoms, it is also known as short-term HIV infection. Lack of symptoms include potentially ancient symptoms.

According to the Mayo Clinic, latency in HIV can last up to 10 years. This does not mean that HIV is over, and this does not mean that you can not give the infection to others. Progress with latency aids.

If you are not receiving treatment like antiretroviral therapy, then your risk is high for progress. It is important to take prescription drugs during all stages of HIV, even if you do not have any symptoms, there are many medicines used to treat HIV.

Chronic HIV
After acute infection, HIV is considered old. This means that the disease is happening. Chronic HIV symptoms may vary due to the presence of viruses, but long-term infections may occur. In the more advanced stages of age infection, the symptoms may be more severe than ARS. People with advanced chronic HIV may experience episodes of these:

Cough or shortness of breath
Weight event
AIDS is the final stage

It is important to help maintain the quality of life of HIV control medicines and prevent the rapid progression of the disease. AIDS develops when HIV by the immune system is significantly weakened by the CDC, according to the National Prevention Information Network, a side AIDS when the CD4 level of 200 cubics Millitr blood (mm 3) of below 200 cells Suffer. A normal range is considered to be 500 to 1600 cells/mm 3.

The CD can be diagnosed by blood tests to measure AIDS to 4 but is sometimes determined by your overall health. In particular, it is rare in people with a normal immune system when an infection could indicate that you have AIDS. The symptoms of AIDS include:

Persistence of high fever of more than 100 degrees Fahrenheit (37.8 degrees Celsius)
Severe cold sweats and night
White spots on the mouth
Genital or anal lesions
Severe fatigue
Rashes of brown, red, purple, or pink color may be colored
A cough and shortness of breath
Significant weight loss
Persistent headache
Memory Problems

According to AIDS is the final stage of the Mayo Clinic HIV have developed AIDS within 10 years without the treatment of HIV. At that time, susceptible to a wide range of infections in your body and unable to fight effectively requires medical intervention for the treatment of infections or can lead to death. Without treatment, the CDC estimates that there will be three years of survival after the diagnosis of AIDS rate. Depending on the severity of the infection, the approach may be quite low.

They remain the key to HIV and AIDS continue to see their doctor for regular treatment. As soon as you experience new or worsening symptoms, you should schedule the visit. It also shows that HIV How does this affect the body.

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