10 ways to keep your baby’s eyes safe and healthy

10 ways keep your baby’s eyes safe and healthy
10 ways to keep your baby’s eyes safe and healthy
Baby's eyes care about your baby's eyes are sensitive, so they need your attention. The best thing about eye care is that they do not ask for too much work. All you need to do is follow these simple hints to make sure your baby's sphere is properly cared for.

10 ways to keep your baby’s eyes safe and healthy

1.Maintain harsh chemical and environmental pollutants:

Neonatal limited vision. With the passage of time, they develop their own vision and look better at the world. Any damage to the eye at this stage will affect the development of vision and cause many eye problems. Parents should avoid newborns and young children exposed to excessive dust, polluting the air, chemical gases, smoke and so on. Make sure your child's eyes do not come into contact with the stimuli that affect them and provide eye trouble to deal with the "Hyderabad LV Prasad Ophthalmology Institute pediatric ophthalmologist and neuro physiology doctor. said of their rest. Know your eyes are affected by pollution and excess calories.

2. Keep your baby clean eyes:

In the first few months, you may notice a slight yellow excreta at the corner of the newborn eye. "This is a common thing baby. With a clean cotton swab clean your baby's eyes, soaked in warm water, boiled cool, it is recommended that doctors do not use paper towels or damp cloth constantly wipe the baby's eyes.

3. Keep vigilant with your baby's hand: 
According to the thumb rules, sharp objects such as pen, pencil, knife, fork and other similar items are placed outside the tentacles of infants and young children. Even in infancy, accidental eye damage is common and can lead to severe visual impairment, taking adequate precautions, "Dr.

4. Check that your baby's eyes are properly aligned:
In the first few months of life, it is common to have a slight squint or eye inconsistency. "But if you think your baby is squinting more than three or four months old, or if the eyes are trembling, or the advice of the child ophthalmologist is necessary," Dr. knows how to treat and correct strabismus.

5. Do not use cosmetics: 
As a norm, Indian mothers believe that applying kohl or kajal will prevent evil spirits and keep the eye healthy. "This is a mythology. The chemicals in these cosmetics can cause allergic reactions because your baby's eyes are very sensitive," said. Learn more about mythology about eye care.

6. Check the signs of trouble: 
The students in the white reflection, not the normal black shadows, very big eyes, strong watering, red and yellow discharge, all of which should make your concern enough to make an appointment with the experts.

7. Track his development milestones: 
Delayed development may indicate potential eye trouble. Delaying the realization of milestones such as neck balanced, upright or crawling may indicate a related visual problem. Need to carry out eye examination in order to be able to intervene as soon as possible, "Dr. Also know why it is important to check the eyes regularly.

8. Help to stimulate vision: 
When the baby began to crawl, please use the bright toys to attract the attention of the baby. This not only helps visual stimulation but also helps hand-eye coordination.

9. Keep your eating habits healthy
Remember your baby's diet should have all the necessary vitamins and minerals. Like the skin or other organs, the eyes may be damaged by the lack of vitamins, "Dr.

10. If your baby is born prematurely, please pay more attention:

If your baby is born prematurely, the risk of eye problems is higher. "Check the timetable for the baby over a month or more to ensure that there is no retinal problem. After checking in the sixth or eighth month, look for squint or cross the eye," said Dr.

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