7 Ways to Tackle Sleep Deficit After Arrival of Your Baby
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7 Ways to Tackle Sleep Deficit After Arrival of Your Baby |
Sleep is a luxury you can not afford when your newborn is coming. Ask any mother and you would know what I'm talking about. The 24-hour demand feeding, blistering duties and taking care of your baby is so tiring that all you want to do is hit the bag when it's bedtime. But your child will never cooperate with you as newborns do not follow a sleepy cycle as adults. Well, it takes about six months for a baby to settle in a normal sleep cycle that sleeps for at least four to five hours on a stretch at night. Here are 10 sleep safe rules for babies.
But until then you have to deal with your insomnia. Here are some of my tested ways in which I tackled sleep loss with my newborn, not once but twice. I hope these tricks help you get through the day with ease.
7 Ways to Tackle Sleep Deficit After Arrival of Your Baby
1. Get used to power naps: Yes, you must meet the sleep requirements by taking short power fools throughout the day. So you have to adhere to the cliché, "Sleep when your baby is asleep." And they do not sleep for more than 20 to 30 minutes on a stretch. The one who tells otherwise does not believe. Stop cribbing about sleeping peacefully at night because it does not happen anytime soon. The best way to make the most of your power nap is to lay down as soon as your baby is asleep without wasting time on social media or reading gossip. Did you know that power naps can make you smarter too?
2. Follow a routine: Even if you have managed to get only one hour of sleep at night, do not try to compensate for lost sleep by sleeping late in the morning. This will make your entire day unorganized and make it difficult for you to manage duties when the baby wakes up. So finish your morning gifts and do not delay your work. I know it's easier said than done. But you will not worry about dirty clothes, meals and baby bath time wake up at noon. In fact, following a routine will remove stress from ongoing work in hand, which at least keeps an eye on peace. This goes a long way in helping you get healthy when you are sleep-deprived.
3. Keep yourself hydrated: This is an advice that my mother gave me, and I followed it with the core. Dehydration makes it difficult for you to continue. Sipping on hot water or unsweetened juice gives you a boost until you can enjoy your next round of power loss.
4. Say no to binge eating: This is a common mistake most new mothers do when they are tired, frustrated and dazed out. Comfort to eat helps them get a wave in their energy levels, and most of them resort to it. I did the same and then realized how harmful it was. When we binge eating, it is mostly fat, sugar and calories we consume, which does little to add nutritional value and promotes weight loss after postpartum. After the first sugar rate, you feel more tired and tired. Instead, biscuits, fruit, and yogurt keep home so you can get them when you feel hungry.
5. Rest often: Although you can not get eight hours of sight, there are plenty of ways to rest on your body. Avoid standing for too long and sit whenever possible. Use pillows for proper back support while breastfeeding as you will do for a part of your day. Avoid traveling long distances unless necessary. All this helps your body to maintain the little energy it needs to function without sleep. Here are seven facts about postpartum depression, I wish somebody told me.
6. Limit the use of smartphones: This is no one-time murderer. Instead of spending time with your smartphone and trying to get some sleep when your baby is cheating, you can never keep a tab how much time you spend on your phone that can be used for a good sound sleep.
7. Get a little exercise: Not that I've ever tried to get postpartum exercise, but many people told me that an evening walk or even cardio exercises in the gym helped them overcome fatigue due to lack of sleep and put up with the requirements of the newborn. So if you're an exercise person, it's a bonus for you postpartum.
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