Best 10 Menstrual Hygiene Tips Every Girl and Woman Should Know

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                                                           Best 10 Menstrual Hygiene Tips Every Girl and Woman Should Know
Most of us are very secretly experiencing our time, not really trying to figure out whether our approach is hygienic. Sometimes we can wear the same napkin all day long. 
Here are some tips for keeping hygiene during your period, some of which you may not know:

Best 10 Menstrual Hygiene Tips Every Girl and Woman Should Know

1  1. .Choose your sanitation

There are many ways today, including the use of sanitary napkins, tampons, and menstrual cups to keep clean. In India, most unmarried girls prefer to use sanitary napkins. If you decide to use a tampon, keep in mind that choosing a flow with the lowest absorptivity is critical. While some women choose to use different types of sanitary napkins or different protective methods (such as tampons and sanitary napkins) at different times, some people prefer to stick to a type and brand. The best tip here is to try to use a brand for a period of protection to see if it helps your needs. Frequent switching between brands can make you uncomfortable, because the brand is as unique as you, and they fit everyone.

2. Change regularly

Menstrual blood once left the body will be the body of the natural body pollution. This rule applies even to those days where you do not have much bleeding because your mat is still damp and will have your vaginal creatures, sweat from your genitals and so on. When these creatures remain in a warm and humid place for a long time more and more, can cause urinary tract infections, vaginal infections, and rash and other diseases.

Change the standard time of the bathroom is once every six hours while the tampons are once every two hours. Having said that, you must customize the changing timeline as needed. Although some women may flow too much, need to be replaced more frequently, but other women need to change the frequency. There are several cases where your sanitary napkin or tampon may not be fully used - usually on a lesser day, but you must change it regularly.
In the case of tampons, it is very important because if prolonged insertion of the vagina may lead to a condition known as TSS or toxic shock syndrome - bacteria infiltrate the body causing a serious infection that can be sent to the body to become shocked - Need emergency treatment, and may lead to serious complications or even death.

3. Regular cleaning
When you are menstruation, blood tends to enter tiny spaces, such as the skin between the labia or the skin around your vagina, and you should always wash off excess blood. This practice also tends to eliminate malodor from the vaginal area. So it is important to wash your vagina and labia (prominent part of the female genitalia) and then replace it with a new pad. If it can not be washed before replacement, make sure to wipe the area with toilet paper or paper towels.

4. Do not use soap or vaginal hygiene products
The vagina has its own cleaning mechanism and plays a very good role in the balance of good and bad bacteria. Wash with soap can kill infected bacteria. So, during this time the regular washing is important, all you need to use is some warm water. You can use soap outside, but do not use soap in the vagina or vagina.

5. Use the correct washing technology
Always clean or clean the area from the vagina to the movement of the anus. Do not wash in the opposite direction. Washing in the opposite direction leads to the opening of the anal bacteria to the vagina and the urethra, leading to infection. Read urinary tract infection.

6. Properly discard second-hand health products
The napkins or tampons you have used must be discarded correctly because they can spread the infection and smell faint. Wrap it before discarding to ensure that it contains odor and infection. It is advisable not to rinse the pad or tampons as they can form blocks and allow the toilet to be backed up. More importantly, after discarding used napkins, you must wash your hands because you may encounter the used parts while discarding the mat or tampons.

7.  Beware of a pad rash
The pad rash is something you might encounter during a heavy flow. Usually, occurs when the pad is wet for a long time and rubs along the thighs. To prevent this from happening, please try to keep it dry during your stay. If you have a rash, please change the mat regularly and keep it dry. After bathing, before going to sleep coated with anti-corrosion ointment, this can cure the rash, to prevent further pain. If the condition worsens, please visit your doctor and they will be able to open a powder that can keep the area dry.

8.  Use only one method of sanitation at a time
Some women who are in great traffic during the period often use (i) two sanitary mats, (ii) tampons and sanitary mats (iii) sanitary mats and a piece of cloth. This seems to be a good idea, but in fact, it is not, the regular change is a better choice. The use of two mats or tampons and toilet pads is not good because the two mats absorb the blood and you do not see that they are completely exhausted and you can not change in a regular and healthy time interval. 

This can lead to rash, infection, tampons and even TSS. Another consideration is that if you use a piece of cloth as an extra protection, the cloth may not be the cleanest thing next to your private parts. Finally, the whole structure of the two pads is very uncomfortable, can make you have a bad rash, even worse temper.

9.  Have a bath regularly
For some people, this seems to be the most selfless suggestion, but in some cultures, it is believed that a woman should not take a bath during her period. This myth is based on the fact that in the past day women had to take a bath in public places or ordinary water, like rivers or lakes. 

However, the indoor tubing is the best thing you can do for your health. Bathing can not only clean the body but also allows you to have the opportunity to clean up your private parts. It also helps to reduce menstrual cramps, back pain helps to improve your mood and make you feel uncomfortable. To relieve back pain and menstrual cramps, just stand in a warm shower for your back or abdomen. You will eventually feel much better.

10.  Be ready with on-the-go stuff during your periods
When you have your period, it is important to be prepared. It is important to store additional hygiene mats or tampons correctly in clean bags or paper bags, soft towels, some paper towels or towels, hand disinfectants, healthy snacks, a bottle of drinking water, a preservative tube (if you Is using one).

Regular replacement of mats/tampons is essential, so you need extra costs. It is more important to properly store them so that they are not as important as pollution and change. Stay in your bag with a mat or tampon, no clean bag to protect it can also cause infection such as UTI (urinary tract infection) or vaginal infection. Soft towels can be used to wipe your hands or face if you wash them. 

After scrubbing the private parts, the paper towels are important to remove excess moisture. It is best not to use toilet paper because it tends to wear and tear when touching the water. Your hand sanitizer is a very important factor. You will need to clean your hands and you can use it to clean the faucets and faucets. Snacks are a backup to prevent you from getting tired or tired during the day, and a bottle of water can help you keep the water all day.

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