Best HIV 9 factors that Increase Risk

Best HIV 9 factors
Best HIV 9 factors that Increase Risk
Over the past three decades, more than 25 million people have been killed by HIV / AIDS. But the current statistics are even more terrible. It is estimated that more than 34 million people worldwide are infected with HIV. Highly educated people seem illiterate in HIV infection. Maybe in the future, we can cure HIV, but until you know the risk factor is the best way to stay away from HIV.

Best HIV 9 factors that Increase Risk

1. Having unprotected sex:  HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) is a causative agent of AIDS, AIDS is a complete destruction of the body's immune system diseases, resulting in infected people susceptible to other diseases. HIV passes through the bloodstream throughout the body. It also exists in sexual fluid (semen and vaginal secretions). Thus, the primary risk factor for obtaining infection is unprotected sex. This includes vaginal, oral and anal intercourse. The highest risk after anal sex, followed by the vagina and the final oral sex.

2. Multiple sex partners: Unprotected sex makes you at-risk of contracting HIV, but the risk is almost double compared to multiple sexual partners. Multiple sexual partners increase the chance of sexual intercourse with infected individuals.

3. Other sexually transmitted infections: Not many people know that sexually transmitted diseases such as syphilis, herpes, and gonorrhea increase the risk of HIV infection. Patients with early STD have a 2 to 5-fold higher risk of HIV than those who do not have STD. Studies have shown that sexually transmitted diseases can lead to some changes in genital tissue, increasing the susceptibility of HIV transmission.

4. blood transfusion of blood and blood products: Whether you are in a blood transfusion or hemophilia patients need frequent blood transfusions, if the blood transfusion without HIV testing, you have a high chance of HIV infection. As a standard in medical practice, blood is always tested before blood transfusion, but recent attention has been given to HIV-infected cases.

5. Contaminated syringes and needles: Non-sterile syringes are still used in places in developing countries, including. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) report, about 5% of HIV infections occur due to insecure injections in 2002. Even today the use of unsafe injections is quite rampant. This includes even vaccination for children.

6. Drug Abuse: If you are intravenous injections such as ketamine, GHB, and poppers, you are more likely to be infected with HIV. These drugs will affect your brain and damage your decision-making ability. So you are more likely to share needles and unprotected sex.

7. Unsafe perforation: If you like body puncture and tattoos, you should be aware of the higher risk of your HIV infection. The needles used in these processes may be infected or infected with HIV. Make sure your puncture and tattoo are done by trained professionals.

8. Medical accident negligence: All health professionals and health care workers, including nurses, doctors, laboratory analysts, and pathologists, should treat the patient's blood samples every day if they can not take the necessary precautions and do not follow the medical and health habits. The Handling samples without gloves, improper disinfection and disposal methods can increase your high risk of HIV.

9. Mothers' HIV risk to children: People living with HIV can pass the virus to their children during pregnancy. Mothers' spread to children can also be carried out by breastfeeding because the mother's breast milk has a high viral load.

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