Hepatitis C: Causes, Symptoms, Side Effects and Treatments

Hepatitis C is a liver disease that causes inflammation of the organism and can lead to serious health complications.

Hepatitis C: Causes, Symptoms, Side Effects 
and Treatments

Causes of hepatitis C:

If the blood of people infected with HCV enters the blood of healthy individuals, hepatitis C usually occurs. Viruses can be transmitted in the following ways:
Keep unprotected sex with the affected person
Share the needles that are not sterilized and used by infected people
Through the blood without screening the virus (although now blood bank screening of the virus, before 1992, people who have a risk of blood transfusion)
Born to mothers with hepatitis C.

Hepatitis C Symptoms:

In the first few days of obtaining the virus, there may not be any prominent symptoms. Only when the degree of liver damage is greater when the symptoms will begin. Other people may have blurring symptoms at the beginning, such as fatigue and skin discoloration, which may disappear in a few days, making the diagnosis difficult.

Some symptoms of hepatitis C can include:
The pain on the right side of the upper abdomen can not be explained
Abdominal swelling due to excessive liquid retention
Light feces
Dark urine
Unexplained fatigue
High fever
Jaundice (the color of the skin and the white area of the eye are yellow)
Suddenly lost appetite
Recurrent nausea and vomiting
Diagnosis and treatment
If the classic symptoms of this disease occur, a blood test is conducted to determine the extent of the disease and to understand the functional status of the liver.

Blood tests: Check for the presence of hepatitis antibody and measure the amount of virus in the blood.

Liver function tests: also perform liver function tests to ensure that the function and extent of the disease cause damage to the system. Blood tests were first performed to measure many of the liver enzymes present in the blood. The level of the enzyme remains elevated in the blood due to the infection caused by the HCV virus. Sometimes even liver cell biopsy may be necessary to ensure the degree of damage caused.

Treatment usually includes:
Oral drugs and injections: The combination of oral medications (antiviral drugs) and injections is used to counter the virus within the system and reduce its adverse effects. For people receiving treatment, you can limit the effect of the virus and limit its replication. Treatment may also involve the use of other drugs to counteract the decline in blood cell counts due to hepatitis C drugs.
Liver Transplantation: This is the only option if the disease has eroded the liver to irreversible damage.

The side effects of treatment
The same time as
Side effects of hepatitis C treatment include:
The same time as
Flu-like symptoms
Exaggerate fatigue
Hair loss
Low blood count
Thinking about trouble

Prevention of hepatitis C:
Conduct safe sex and use condoms, such as condoms.
Do not share personal items such as razors, needles and so on
Be careful when tattooing or body piercing. The equipment being used may have someone else's blood.
If you are infected, do not donate blood.

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